Every day has been special so far on this adventure, but today stood out above the rest. Today I had a small sample to process, but BIG mackerel (= great data for my thesis)!!! And then I had the day to relax on deck because we weren't going to do many trawls. The sun is shining and it's warm. I fell asleep on my towel and then I was woken up by someone yelling "Wake up, Justine! Whales!"
There were at least 6 pilot whales swimming in front of the ship. It was very exciting since I had never seen whales in the wild before, just dolphins. One group of three came on the port side of the ship and I saw them dive under - VERY COOL! Just a shame that my camera was too slow to get the shot! --- I do have a couple of good pictures though.
Whale meat is on the menu for dinner tonight. I think that out of principle I will not have any of the whale meat. We got 130 kgs of fresh meat brought on board today and it is possible for scientists and crew to purchase a couple kilos to take home. I'll bring home some mackerel instead.
**Correction: Whale meat was NOT served for dinner. Don't come for us Paul Watson!!**
[Sending Gunnar (whale watcher) and two crew members to pick up the whale meat] |
[My best shot of a pilot whale - my camera was just too slow] |
[The three whales I watched swim under the ship] |
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