Football at the Domain.

Played some more soccer today at the Auckland Domain which is right by the museum. I didn't play with the Brazilians this time even though that was the plan. Instead, I played with some Auckland Uni grad students. We were quite a mix of international students: Norway, Germany, New Zealand, and the States. Again, they commented that I play well for a girl after making some decent tackles: "Ay, man! She's good!" They knew my name but one of them gave me the nickname "Michi" (pronouced more like "Mitchi"). When they say Michigan it sounds like Mitchigan -- with a 't' stuck in there. They treated me like their little sister and they're all cool: Sven, Alex, Max, James, Morten, Kasper, and Frank. Heidi was another girl (from Norway) who played with us but not for long.

Tomorrow I'm going to the Maritime Museum before class at 1 and then some studying as usual. Tuesday we're all going out on a pub crawl for St.Patrick's Day and then on the 28th we're going to drive down to do some hiking, I think near Rotorua where some of Lord of the Rings was filmed. I'm excited. They're a fun group of mates!


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