Livingroom rennovations
The past month, Marius and I have been trying to give the apartment a touch of 'us'. So we took down the yucky wall trim and old wall paper, and painted one wall red. The other walls are going to be white. But I started painting eggwhite on the walls, and I'm not a fan; (1) because I can't see if I missed a spot, and (2) it just looks so plain and boring. So we'll pick out a new color this weekend.
Marius' dad, Tron, is coming to visit us this weekend as well since he will be in Bergen for some meetings. He is going to help us with lowering the ceiling and whatever else Marius has up his sleeve.

Marius' dad, Tron, is coming to visit us this weekend as well since he will be in Bergen for some meetings. He is going to help us with lowering the ceiling and whatever else Marius has up his sleeve.
Marius's dad name is REALLY cool... TRON!