An email from the US House of Representatives
Weeks ago I emailed Congressman Thaddeus McCotter about the H.R. 892 (Stop Asian Carp Act), which is "to require the Secretary of the Army to study the feasibility of the hydrological separation of the Great Lakes and Mississippi River Basins". And I now received a reply from the Congressman, glad to see that he has been on board. Please write your Congressmen about this so that they understand that it is an issue that is important to numerous people.
"Bighead carp grow to 100 pounds, have no stomach and eat up to 40% of their bodyweight every day, eliminating food supplies for native fish and causing their populations to crash. The Great Lakes generate billions in economic activity that mean thousands of jobs for Michigan residents. Stopping Asian carp is an economic necessity for Michigan. We will not have a second chance once they enter the Great Lakes." A hilarious CNN report (video available on youtube) says that a "major concern" is the physical harm to people when the fish jump out of the water and knock people out and give them black eyes - too funny.
Perhaps further management and eradication studies on the issue can find other solutions to re-open the locks. The main issue is that Asian Carp are enormous planktivores and can deplete this resource for native fish in the system and displace the species by competitive exclusion. So far an electrical barrier (very similar to an invisible dog fence) is what is preventing the asian carp from protruding further upstream into Lake Michigan.
[Stop Asian Carp]

"Bighead carp grow to 100 pounds, have no stomach and eat up to 40% of their bodyweight every day, eliminating food supplies for native fish and causing their populations to crash. The Great Lakes generate billions in economic activity that mean thousands of jobs for Michigan residents. Stopping Asian carp is an economic necessity for Michigan. We will not have a second chance once they enter the Great Lakes." A hilarious CNN report (video available on youtube) says that a "major concern" is the physical harm to people when the fish jump out of the water and knock people out and give them black eyes - too funny.
Perhaps further management and eradication studies on the issue can find other solutions to re-open the locks. The main issue is that Asian Carp are enormous planktivores and can deplete this resource for native fish in the system and displace the species by competitive exclusion. So far an electrical barrier (very similar to an invisible dog fence) is what is preventing the asian carp from protruding further upstream into Lake Michigan.
[Stop Asian Carp]

It was way too early when I read this!... I thought why is Justine interested in Asian "crap"?! :0