Knarvik Mila 10km race report

Part two of the Fjord Viking saga complete! Very satisfied with my performance today at my first 10 kilometer road race. I haven't done too much speed work, but I impressed myself.

Marius, Pancho and I drove to Knarvik and after getting my number I had 15 minutes to get warmed up. Marius and Pancho cheered for me at three different spots along the course, and even ran along side me early in the race. And of course Pancho did not like it when he and Marius had to run away from me. My only complaint was how hot it got once the sun came out and towards the end I felt nauseous (probably a combination of effort and poor hydration).

I took one quick sip of water around half way and just tried to maintain a pace under 5 mins per km. I averaged 4 mins 38 secs per kilometer...Very pleased with that!

This race had a good amount of participants - the perfect amount. Not too crowded, but also not too few. I was very happy with my results, even though I didn't PR in the 10km. It is technically a PR for a race for me since it was my first race of this kind.

[Crossing the finish. I definitely need to do something about that form!!]

Age group (W23-34): 10th (out of 77)
Gender (W): 24th (out of 285)
Overall: 140th (out of 615)

I'm thinking this may be my optimal distance. With a couple of speed sessions a week, I bet I could at least be in the top three of my age group within the next couple of years...for this race. I'm definitely going to run it again to see how I do next year.

Tomorrow morning I plan to complete part three (the half marathon) of the Fjord Viking saga. I hope that I did not over do it today. Tomorrow could be tough...I'm actually hoping for a cloudy day.

[Took this picture before all the results got in, and even happier with my result now!]


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