Valentine's Day

[My favorite one on the card was: quit Stalin, be my Valentine]

This year was our first Valentine's Day together, even though in May we will have been a pair for 4 years. Last year Marius was away on a conference, and the year before that I was in NZ. This year we thought we'd kick off our Valentine's traditions with the bar set high - on our standards.

Last weekend Marius and I had done a little shopping so we agreed to buy the other what we had our eye on and exchange them for Valentine's. I got Marius a new thermal, box of candied almonds, and fixed the hat that I had made for him (he said it was too itchy, so I lined it with fabric and sewed it in - it looks even cooler now!). And Marius got me a muffin baking tin, spatula, gloves to use for touch screen devices, and a beautiful bouquet of flowers. 

[Excited for Valentine's Day!]
Of course we had a gym date together - almost the same as any other day, but this time I had a weight lifting buddy so I could do 7 pull ups! For dinner we had thought about getting some pizza or Thai take away, but instead made some beef stroganoff and tasted some orange truffle Bailey's for dessert. We played cards afterwards with an episode of Family Guy. What a nice night :) All those other couples go out to dinner, but this definitely topped their V-Day!! 

 This weekend our plan is to have a BIG cleaning day in the apartment in anticipation for Mom's visit in just a week!!! We are really excited!
[Stroganoff, salad, vanilla Coke, orange truffle Bailey's and candy]

[My pretty flowers from my Valentine]


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