Long ski trips at Synnfjell

This weekend Tron and Rigmor flew me out to go skiing with them and Marius at their winter cabin. Both Saturday and Sunday I woke up almost 2 hours before everyone, so I took a short 3k run before breakfast and managed to read one scientific paper (for my thesis) before the run each morning. Saturday we took a long 21.5 km loop in the sunshine. And Sunday was a shorter 15 km loop over "That Damn Mountain" which I failed to cross the first time because of white out conditions and the onset of pneumonia...however, today I conquered it without a single wobble or fall!

It was a very nice, relaxing weekend with good company. Now back to my thesis and the job hunt!
 [Rigmor and the trail getting covered by snow drifts]
[Beautiful sky on Saturday!]
[Not to mention a great sunset too]
[More of Saturday's sunset]
[We thought we'd have him roll around up there to see how dusty it was]
[Sunday morning before everyone else woke up; soon became clouds]


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