Mom's visit to Bergen

[Mom and Marius on Fløyen]
My mom came to Bergen on her way to visit Carolyn in London. It was a great gift to have her in town for my birthday. Marius and I left our offices early on Friday to get her at the airport, and of course there was some delay on her end. She can tell the story - it's too long for me to tell here. Bottom line, we were at the airport at 1pm and she didn't land til 3:35. We took her out for pizza and beer that night, and the next morning I woke up before her and Marius...but Marius made us some great Norwegian-style pancakes for my birthday breakfast!

[My birthday cake]
We spent the day walking around Bergen and up Fløyen. The walkway up the mountain was very icy, so Marius had to help us flatlanders along. I got some nice gifts from Marius, Rigmor and Tron, and Mom and Dad for my birthday. We had a HUGE cake (which Marius also baked)...he was a great host. And later that night we drove over to see Marius' Uncle Kjell to borrow Aunt Beate's skis for Mom to use, and of course that visit lasted til midnight. On Sunday when we finally rolled out of bed and had amazing weather for some skiing. Unfortunately, everyone else had the same idea, so there were occasional bottle-necks along the loop. We did the loop twice, because it was pretty short --- and full of families teaching their kids skiing. By the end of the weekend we were spent!

Mom left for London Monday night, and so I assume she is having a great time. We will have her back on Monday morning when she is on her way back to Michigan. Rain is predicted, so we will probably hang out inside.
[Skiing at Gollbotn -- we all had a wipe out]


  1. Awesome birthday cake....I hope to be able to match up to Marius om Hannah's birthday (coming up soon)....

  2. I really like this update! Boy, you girls sure look like your Mom and I thought you got her brains and my looks--shame on me!


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