You know what grinds my gears?

Recently, the BBC interviewed New Zealand's Prime Minister, John Key, and asked him about the "100% Pure New Zealand" advertisements. Youtube them if you are unfamiliar. Turns out, this clean, green country has 90% of its lowland rivers severely polluted. I haven been learning about these things all semester and it's pretty weird to think that I came over here for it's "less polluted wilderness," and yet it's quite environmentally degraded.

The BBC brought these facts to the attention of PM John Key in the interview. It was then mentioned that one of New Zealand's leading environmental scientists [Mike Joy] stated that the country is actually in poor environmental condition -"New Zealanders are delusional about how clean and green we really are". And PM Key's response?

"Well it might be [Mike Joy's] view, but I don't share that view"
"Like lawyers, I can provide you another one who will give you another view"

[Watch this video here...just grinds my gears]


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