Dog sitting on Waiheke Island...again

I was hired out by Hannah and Sonny to take care of their two dogs again while a friend of theirs is visiting. I am on Waiheke Island until Tuesday, when I have my summer school exam. It's nice to get away from the city, but I can't get too relaxed or I won't study hard enough for this exam. It's peaceful here, but some human company would be nice to have every now and then.

Last night I was bit on the eyelid by a mosquito. That did not look too nice this morning when I had to go to work. The swelling has gone down a bit, but I probably resembled "Sloth" from "The Goonies"...ok, maybe not that bad. I'm bustin' out the citronella tonight!

Forgot my camera at my apartment, otherwise I would have taken pictures of the nice sunset...and my fat eye.

[got a picture with my webcam of my study setup in the kitchen, pretty cozy]


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