Spring Break the Norwegian way

Norwegians don't go to warm tropical places for the Easter holiday, no, they instead search for more snow! Last Friday I flew to Oslo and Marius drove us north to his grandmother's house in Tylldalen (near Tynset). We skiied all but one day, when we took the opportunity to drive more north to Røros (a World Herritage site).

The skiing conditions were great on the groomed tracks, but that's not enough fun for the Engebrethsen family. We went off-road up over a mountain and then down into a gully where we made hot dogs over the fire. Was a really cozy experience apart from all the bruises on my butt as a result from not much downhill training in flat Michigan. I got a little grumpy, but who wouldn't ;) Once we got down to "the hole" (as they called it), and I had some warm food I was happy. 

Everyday we have been overeating for sure! Grandma Oddny (Engebrethsen) made delicious cakes, jam, and dinners! I swear we eat 5 times a day here. One night we drove to Tynset and saw a musical called Gruva about this prospective mining town in 1800s Norway. It had some funny parts and I was surprised how much of it I could understand since it was all in Norwegian. It wasn't a musical you go see for an amazing performance, but made us giggle a lot. A real cultural experience!

Last night we arrived to the cabin at Synnfjell. The snow isn't looking so great here, so I wonder how that will go. Rigmor made gomme!!

I will post pictures when I return to Bergen!!


  1. Sounds like it's a great Spring Break at the 63°latitude...I gotta believe. Hoo, boy. Sounds like you're having fun and like I say here "The best part of getting cold is getting warm!" Love to the family and have a very nice time and make good memories. Thanks, Engebrethsens! My girl, if you don't like a bruised bum, don't fall.


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