Spring Break Norwegian Style: Part II

Synnfjell lacked a bit of snow, but we managed to have two nice ski trips and a walk into the woods to build a fire and cook some hot dogs with Grandma this time. I didn't fall once the last two trips since they were on groomed trails - not "off pist" as Marius says (pist = trail in Norwegian...but maybe it could also translate to pissed - as in a pissed off Justine from falling).

I missed coloring eggs this year, but when we got to the cabin at Synnfjell, Rigmor had hid big hollow eggs full of candy in our beds and we had so much chocolate the whole time we were there. I'm pretty sure I have gained 2kgs over this vacation, but I had a great time. It was nice to spend Easter with family. We played a card game called "bondebridge" almost every night and the last night I set the new record! Marius was not too happy about that, but all in good fun. We also sat down and planned Mom and Dad's visit in August, and it's coming along nicely! We are VERY excited!!

The pictures will follow in posts. Back to rainy Bergen now - sadly to some belly-up fish. The water got too cold while we were away and the vacation feeder didn't dissolve. So we are shopping for an aquarium heater and better vacation feeders.


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