Mackerel and fiskesuppe

I had my first Norwegian lesson yesterday. It was three hours long, and we only learned:

  • the alphabet
  • Hei, jeg heter ___.
  • Hva heter du?
  • Hvor kommer du fra?
  • Jeg kommer fra Detroit i USA.
My next class will be on Thursday and I really hope it picks up a little bit more. There are many interesting people in my class, including a girl from New York, lady from Tanzania, another from Bangladesh, a couple people from Spain, as well as Netherlands, Iran, Pakistan, Indonesia, Russia, Sudan, and England.

Fiskesuppe and homemade biscuits were very nice while mulling over what my hypothesis should be for my thesis. It will involve tracking mackerel with sonar, but I have to come up with the hypothesis on my own. Most of my classmates already had the hypothesis made for them by their supervisors, but I guess this helps me become a better scientist if I can create my own hypothesis.

I made the biscuits today when I got home from walking up Ulriken. It was very tough climbing up through the ice and snow - my Stabil-Icers (r) that I got for Christmas were awesome for the steep, slippery walk! 


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