Last days in Norway

Here are some photos from my remaining days in Norway. It was a wonderful month! Thank you, Marius for such a great trip - see you in July!

[Across the way is Bryggen - The old fishing part of Bergen]
[Covered in flour, but making a delicious chicken pot pie]
[At the famous Bergen Fish Market]
[Snoopy! - Cousin Enzo's travelmate project outside Julehuset and the rest of Bryggen]

On the 4th I had a meeting with three researchers at the Institute of Marine Research in Bergen. They gave me lots of reading material to keep me busy on my long flight back to Auckland and get some ideas for a possible Masters thesis. I am eager to get things started at the University of Bergen already!

Time to start the last 6 months of my journey in New Zealand. It's been such an experience, and I look forward to what Norway has to offer me on the complete opposite side of the world.


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