
Today I had my Invertebrates lab where we examined sponges. I finished the day around lunch time, so I got lunch with my friend Becca, from Chicago. She offered to take me up to her office at Auckland University of Technology where she is writing her Masters thesis on taxonomy of a species of squid.

I haven't seen so many squids (?). It was pretty cool seeing her in action. She donned her tie-dyed lab coat and handed me a rubber glove. She had to get some pictures of different parts of one of her larger specimens (only about a foot long). I was her little helper, lifting up tentacles so that she could get some good photos. Supposedly, on Monday, there will be a giant squid coming into AUT for her to "play with," so I will get to go stop by her office and take a look at the bad boy.

I met her supervisor, Steve, and he tried to convince me to switch to AUT from UoA. It was pretty cool getting to talk marine biology concepts with him and Becca. I will try to steal some squid pictures from Becca.


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