First Day Back in NZ

What a stressful trip back to NZ! Because I was held up so long in Detroit, I missed my flight to L.A. from Memphis and then once I finally got to L.A. I had to sprint to my flight! The man I sat next to on the plane said that he studied geography at Auckland Uni and he seemed really interesting and then all of a sudden I looked over and saw him watching the Hannah Montana Move. Interesting. There was a small chance that I would actually get my luggage, but the people working for the airline were awesome and I got my bags and headed to my flat.

After getting into Auckland at 4:45am local time, I caught the bus to downtown near my flat. I got back to sleep around 7:30am and woke up again just after 1pm. I got lunch with my friend Ron and then picked up some groceries. When I got back my flatmate, Sawyer, asked if I wanted to help out with the iSpace quiz night (an event for new international students). I helped set up and after the newbies sat down and we began the quiz it wasn't difficult for me to meet people. I'm sure it was a lot easier for them to remember my name than the other way around because there were so many!

Just like last semester, there were a bunch of Germans and a handful of Norwegians. Afterward, I hung out with Borghild (Norgwegian girl), Kris (a Swiss guy), Jonas (Danish dude), Murray (an Irish lad), Eika (a German guy - I hope I spelled his name right), and a couple others. Though it's not the same without the people from last semester, these new international students seem like good people.

This semester I will be trying to work while studying and look into different internships. Sad part is that it's very difficult to find a paid internship. But I am on the hunt! Off to bed now. Will keep everything updated as things develop. Cheers!


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