Long Week.

Busy week for me. Had a check up on Monday regarding my kidneys, looks like everything is good. Had to write an essay for anthropology and study for my marine science exam for Friday. On Friday I hung out with James. There is a show here called "Stars in Their Eyes" and he is going to be on it. Basically you audition for the show by performing 3 songs for the producers and the producers pick out the song they want sung -and it's all totally secret. James can't tell people the song he's performing. He also has to try to look like his artist as well. He's a good singer and I'm excited for it to air on tv!

Saturday I went lawn bowling for the first time. At first I was kinda dreading it because I was so tired but it turned out to be pretty fun and entertaining. Lawn bowling is like bocce ball but different in that the bowls are weighted on one side so it curves when you roll it...other than that it's very similar. I won a big chocolate egg for hitting the kitty (little white ball) the most times of the new bowlers even though I sent it into the ditch so it wouldnt count towards points. I used my chocolate egg to bribe Lisa to come out with me and my group of friends. I was very excited and I think she enjoyed herself.

Today I did some new homework on our trip around New Zealand, which should have started today but complications started when my friend Hunter had to bail on accound of financial issues. Now Lisa and I are probably going to take the scenic train down to Wellington and then fly from Wellington to Queenstown where we will take day trips to various activies. I'm really wanting to get enough guts to skydive, but that may me too much. I also hung out with James again today. We went and got take away pizza and just chill. When we were going to buy some water a homeless man saw me with the pizza and was hovering near me and asking for it but I said no and he got all angry and swore a couple times...I was scared! We took the pizza down to the harbor and ogled at the huge boats in the marina that were all lit up and were probably worth a couple million dollars at least. Going to bed now...no class tomorrow because I am on Easter/Mid-Semester break for the next two weeks. I still have to write a paper on El Nino for marine science and work on a spanish project before classes start back up though.



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