Scandinavia roadtrip, part 3: back in Oslo

We drove from Copenhagen to Oslo in one day; it's only 6 hours. While we were still in Denmark we found a grocery store to stock up on cheaper beer and some road snacks. But then the GPS took us the wrong way, and we found ourselves in line for the ferry from a city just north of Copenhagen to Helsingborg, Sweden. Instead of backtracking to the bridge, we decided to take the 20 minute ferry ride across.
We obviously went way north!

Six hours later we were back in Oslo. We took it easy the next day and walked around our neighborhood and up the river. It was good weather for a long walk. Rigmor had us over for dinner and served moose "gryte" (a stew) and "Troll krem" (troll cream = lingonberry, egg whites and sugar) for dessert.

We still had some must-sees to cover in Oslo. Mainly the royal palace and ski jump/ski museum.

We made it in time for the changing of the guard.

Skis varied by region and were over 15 feet long back in the day!
Dad became a polar explorer with a big head
We went to the top of the ski jump for a view over the fjord. No crowd since we got there just before it closed.
A little pit stop next to the ski jump and museum is an old "seter" called Frognerseteren. Seters are used as ski lodges in the middle of nowhere for skiers to warm up, eat some waffles, and drink coffee. Frognerseteren is huge and has great views. I'll have to stop by with Marius for a $7 coffee after skiing this winter.

Mom and Dad left us on the 11th just before my interview with Greenpeace to go around door-to-door and sign up monthly donors. So in the past month I have been working 3 nights per week. And since September 25th, I was dog sitting. His name is Bobo and he has been enjoying hikes everyday. He feels like our dog now, so I'm going to miss the little guy when his owner picks him up tomorrow.

He is not a fan of going in the water

But he does enjoy running with me, as long as it's not too fast
Great weather and fall colors yesterday when Rigmor joined us for a walk in the woods.


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