An update of the thesis

[Northeast Atlantic mackerel]
As you know, I am writing my thesis on mackerel behavior in the Northeast Atlantic/Norwegian Sea. I held a presentation yesterday about where I am at with my work, and the final comment from my supervisors was that I need to speed up the data processing/cleaning if I want to meet my goal of having that finished before Christmas.

I have been going through 100+ GB of sonar data (the process is called "scrutinizing" in acoustic jargon). It has been interesting so far. I am looking a little into vessel avoidance. This work is very tedious at the moment. Staring at the computer for 9 hours a day is not my cup of tea, but if I can get through the data fast I can enjoy Christmas time without worrying about getting behind on my project.

[Fall in Bergen last week]

So, nothing overly exciting has been happening. I won't be running Stoltzen Opp this year because I was only given 10 days notice to prepare and I would rather beat my time next year than be disappointed with a slower time this year. Fall has arrived to Bergen and the colors are showing on the trees. Unfortunately, they won't get so colorful as back home because of the amount of rain that Bergen receives in the fall - the leaves rot off the trees instead of turning that nice gold, orange and red.

[Big moon over Bergen last weekend] 

This is really awesome!!! I need to go back south!


  1. "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."
    Winston Churhill

    "If it smells like it."
    Anonymous Yooper


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