Synnfjell Cabin Trip

I'm sitting at Gardemoen Airport now, waiting for my flight to Bergen at 9. On Friday I flew to Oslo and was greeted by Tron (Marius' dad), and he made us dinner. In the morning I took their dog Uno for a walk and then Martin and I drove to the hotel were Marius was holding a presentation. We were invited to join for the buffet lunch before our drive north. I'll just get it over with and say now that I forgot my camera charger at home, so I'm not happy with myself since now there are no photos from this weekend.

Typically the drive would only take 2 1/2 hours, but we stopped at Dokka to pick up groceries. The cart got more and more full, but the boys insisted that we needed tons of food because they would eat a lot and we were 9 people on this trip. They later found out that they were very ambitious. This could turn into a long story, so I'll just say that we had WAY too much food for the weekend.

Saturday we were prepping for a long ski trip! The weather didn't look too horrible, a little windy and some light snow, but we were feeling tough! It was very pleasant through the woods, then we came up to a fork in the road - we could either go around the mountain, or over it. Someone had decided for the group that we would go over the mountain to get back to the woods sooner and start a bonfire, but that proved to not be the best idea. We proceeded uphill against the wind and snow, and I began to not feel so well. After what seemed like forever, we finally made it over the mountain with eyebrows frozen and fingers ready to fall off and back into the woods. We decided to just get back to the cabin and warm up - my body had had enough since I already had a cold.

It was finally over, and we all agreed it would have been much smarter to have gone around the mountain. We warmed up and had some homemade pizza for dinner before a few of us played cards and we all went to bed. Today (Sunday) I made everyone pancakes and bacon for breakfast and we packed out hotdogs and marshmallows to roast a bonfire. We only skied 15 or 20 minutes and then dug out a hole in the meter-deep snow and made ourselves comfortable for an hour or so before having to get back to the cabin and clean everything up.

It was a nice getaway and I met Marius' friends who I had already heard so much about. The next ski trip will be in March to Geilo, where Marius' work has a codo-type place by ski hills and trails. And for Easter we will go back to Synnfjell to ski with the Engebrethsens. Dang, I wish I could finish with some pictures to show the white-out on the mountain and the cozy bonfire.


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