I feel rather Norwegian

This week was a great one!

  1. I am  now moved up to the level 2 norskkurs 
  2. I went skiing on Wednesday (two times in one week is great to me)
  3. Got my Norwegian personal number
  4. A bank account
  5. Added to the Institute of Marine Research's Pelagic fish group - I have a special email address and a land line (I wonder if there is a phone at my desk -- Tuesday morning I go get my access cards made)
  6. Oh and a birthday package arrived from home today!!


  1. Vi er så stolte av at du har valgt å forlate leiren bedre enn du fant den. Vår familie, Judd, var fra Amsterdam, så du har brakt oss nærmere vårt hjemland og øvre Penninsula of Michigan er god arvelighet, også!


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