The Climax of the Semester

The past 10 days has been pretty much hell for me due to an accumulation of due assignments, mid-term tests, field trip, and work. The Hydrology & Geomorphology field trip assignment was due last Friday (worth a massive 20% of my final mark). I pulled a half-all-nighter working on the assignment and turned it in before a full day of lectures. I had an ecology test that was difficult at one section referring to Maroi/European colonization of New Zealand. I know more about the colonization of New Zealand than my kiwi flatmates. I also had a field trip for Ecology on Saturday.

A very stressful situation erupted when I had to try to find a replacement for me at work (during the last weekend of the sale). It was a situation that did not need to be as stressful as I had turned it into. I blame Kathmandu Ltd. for this. I felt more obligated to go to work than attend the field trip, which is totally backwards since this field trip determines if I pass the course or not. Not what I need to be thinking at all.

So Saturday came around and I took the ferry from City Central to Devonport, on the North Shore. The field trip was very enjoyable. We measured the lengths of the different zones of the tide zone along the shore and counted the organisms present. I saw cushion stars, brittle stars, sea anemones, a crab, and various gastropods and bivalves. At the end of the day I was so tired from being out in the cold fresh air that blew viciously around the unprotected peninsula.

Sunday was an eight hour work day at Kathmandu, peeling off all the discount stickers that I had spent days putting on the items. And last night (Monday), I had a statistics mid-term.

Today was a full day of lectures after only 6 hours of sleep last night. I hope that I can catch up on sleep soon and not feel so worn out next week. I think I will need to request a weekend off from work soon so that I can not feel so sensitive and homesick for the littlest reasons. Missing everyone back home and abroad very much.


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