Updates from the blue whiting survey

On March 22nd I headed out on the annual blue whiting spawning survey west of Ireland. We headed right into a storm, but luckily it was the better end of the storm that the Viking Cruises ship got stuck in frather north. We have had trouble finding fish, so I guess that means the biomass estimates for this fish will be reduced.

After two weeks of rough weather, we finally had some sunshine and calmer seas and I was able to enjoy some sunshine on the deck.

Hopeful flock of gannets expecting some blue whiting.
Pretty little deep sea creatures: three types of lantern fish and a squid
After two weeks of bad weather, finally some sunshine.

Other updates since my previous post...

Pancho and I have added another person to our home. Idar moved in with us at the end of February. We see him on the weekends because he still works out on site from Monday to Thursday. We make the most of our long weekends and do lots of hiking and climbing.

Idar has a colleague who lives in Bergen with a Portugese waterdog, so on St. Patrick's Day we met them at an area west of Bergen to let the dogs run around and we had a little cookout on the rocks. The dogs had a blast!

Hot dogs and hot chocolate while people are free-diving behind us.

Alma and Pancho

We are getting very close to shopping a van to convert into a campervan. We have been shopping around for Mercedes Sprinter vans because of their reputation, and with my free time on this survey I have made a spreadsheeet for a budget and shopping list. I am very excited to get this project going and go on lots of roadtrips. Finally I can use my overtime to do more camping and hiking! I'll make a separate blog dedicated to the van build as well as post updates on Instagram. As soon as we get the van I'll post a link to follow our progress.

When I am back on land I have an appointment with a heart specialist to check my leaky pulmonary valve. I'm very excited for it and hope that the leak has not gotten bigger. I am sure everything will be fine.

I'll be on land by Monday morning (April 8), and sunny weather is expected. Woohoo!


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