The most Norwegian weekend ever

The weekend before last we visited a friend's cabin in Dale, which is about 45 minutes by train away from Bergen and then 15 minutes in the car to his farm. Carey was with us and we met up on the train. Eirik's farm is his family's farm which he has taken over to keep it in the family - as it has been in his family for many generations. He has sheep, chickens and a cat (named Putin). Out of his freezer he showed us a fox he had shot...and he is an avid fisherman.

Eirik and his sheep

For lunch he made us traditional rice porridge with a side of dried lamb leg and "saft" (fruit concentrate, in this case hand picked blueberry, that is watered down). After lunch, we all slapped on some skis to head into the valley where the cabin is located. It was steep and the snow was deep in some spots, so we used about two hours to ski into the valley. The cabin was small, but plenty of room for up to four adults. It is heated by a wood stove and we had to use candles for light, as there is no electricity nor plumbing (the outhouse was pretty nice!).

We had venison burgers for dinner, plenty of snacks and wine and we played games. We even bathed in the snow! The next morning we had a light breakfast and skied back to the farm to catch our train back to Bergen. That trip was the most Norwegian weekend I have ever had! I don't know how else to describe everything...I should have taken a few more pictures. It was just indescribable how Norwegian those 24 hours were. Takk Eirik for en kjempe fin opplevelse!

Arriving to the cabin on Saturday afternoon.

Carey and I are waiting for the cabin to heat up...but in just a few hours we got it up to 95 degrees F (34 C) inside!

Very windy conditions Sunday morning

Even Norwegians fall skiing through the back country..Pancho checks to make sure Eirik is ok.


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