Mackerl tokt so far..

On July 2nd I headed out on the fishing vessel "Kings Bay" for my usual mackerel tokt. This survey is my favorite because of the very calm seas and nice pace in terms of work on board. We have enough work to not get too bored and enough free time to work out and relax.

The first two days were for calibrating the echosounder, so we were back in Bergen the first two nights. On the 4th we headed west toward Shetland. We have had beautiful views and nice sunsets most of the way. We have not seen any whales yet, but we have gotten some nice hauls of mackerel, herring and blue whiting.

In a week we will be in Iceland for a crew change, and I am looking forward to a road trip day with my coworker. Should be some great pictures from that day trip!

Hammock lounging in good weather on day 1 of 35.

First catch of the tokt

Belona belona, "horngjel"

Shetland isles

Trawl on it's way back in

Just call me "Gumby"

Weighing the catch, Photo: Merete Kvalsund

Sorting the catch in the lab, Photo: Merete Kvalsund


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