Mom and Dad's visit

[Sightseeing in Oslo: Sørenga and botanical garden]

Mom and Dad usually come in July/August, but this year we convinced them to com in May. Many people believe that May/June is the best time to visit Bergen. I don't think they were disappointed. We were really lucky with the weather, with just a couple of grey days. We even had a fantastic 17th of May (Norway's constitution day!).

Thank you for visiting us and helping with our projects around the house! We are already counting down til our Christmas visit: 206 days til I land stateside.

[Hiking with Kjetil, Knut and Silje at Øygarden]

[Pancho got his summer haircut on Monday - it took 2 1/2 hours]

[Pancho? Is that you?!] 

[Poor thing]

[2 1/2 hours later]

[Great weather in Bergen]

[Took a short hike behind the house]

[Knut might also need a haircut]

[Gratulerer med dagen! | Norway's constitution day]

[Packed with flags, bunads, Norwegians, and tourists enjoying the national day]

[spectacular waterfalls driving to Oslo]

[Driving over Hardangervidda]


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