Pancho is 6 months and I'm finally published!

Work is going fine. My boss has given me some lab activities to keep me interested in my work, so I'm testing antibodies. The positive control turned out as expected, but it is such a pretty staining that I have to share the picture. This is an embryo of a starlet sea anemone (Nematostella sp.) approximately 30 hours old. The green is actin (a protein in cell walls), the blue is nuclei, and the red/pink is clusters of DNA. There are some pretty examples of cell division in this embryo!

Also, as of a couple weeks ago I'm officially a published scientist! ....well, the paper has been accepted for publication, so it will likely not be in the journal before next year. The journal is called ICES Journal of Marine Science.

Furthermore, this weekend the mountains got a nice thick layer of snow, so I took Pancho up for his first time in a proper bit  of snow (not counting the icy leftovers that were on Jutenheimen this summer). He's now 6 months old and weighs bout 34 lbs!

In Norway, it is common to give a small gift each day during Advent. Pancho is enjoying this Advent with a new toy. He gets really excited...


  1. P.S. That embryo is pretty cool-looking! So what does the adult look like?

    1. Google search for Nematostella :) Those are the animals I take care of that they grow up to be :)


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