Summer 2015

I've been bad at updating this, but with a new puppy, work and training for my second marathon I have not had so much time with the computer. 

In mid-July Marius and I brought home Pancho and we drove over to Bergen with him. A week and a half later, Mom and Dad flew to Bergen and we all drove up to Gjelvågan to the Engebrethsen's summer cabin in the north. We used 16 hours the first day in the car and 3 the next day so that we could make it up in time to go to Marius' cousin's wedding. We had a great, relaxing time up north with both sets of parents, Katrine, and other family visits. We're already excited for next summer!

Here are just a few pictures from Marius' nice camera.

We drove through Jotenheim National Park to get the most scenic quick route north to the summer house. Here it was in the low 40s and windy. We even saw people skiing!!! On the way back south we drove through snow was July 31st.

Exploring snow for the first time when we
drove through Jotenheimen National Park

Playing while we wait for the ferry.
When we drove north to the cabin we had one ferry connection. There weren't many people on the ferry so we were allowed to bring Pancho inside and play cards. Not the same story on the way back south. Then we had to stand outside in the wind and rain. It wasn't so bad, but we did look pretty miserable.

Campfire on an island
Tron and Rigmor took us to a nearby island where we grilled hotdogs and hung out. We were a limited on time by the approaching storm. 

Easy to fall asleep on the boat
We planned a couple of nice "toppturer" (summit trips) with Mom and Dad. The first one was called Storgjedden, and the second was Teppfjellet.

Adding our names to the trail register.
On the way up to Teppfjellet - beautiful views!
Kayaking with Mom
Beautiful last night at Gjelvågan with this sunset at midnight
I love it up here. See you next year, Gjelvågan!
Gorgeous Jotenheim National Park
When we got back to Bergen, we took Mom and Dad on a couple of hikes. For his birthday, we chose a hike that included bunkers from WWII. Many of them were full of berry patches, so we had to stop and pick plenty of berries to put on ice cream. It was a really pleasant way to spend Dad's birthday.

The only cannon still present in Bergen. Built in 1914.

The result of our berry harvest - fresh wild strawberries and blueberries


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