Marius' birthday and Halloween

Marius turned 29 last week! And sticking to tradition, he got his 3rd annual birthday pumpkin. We took it over to Tron and Rigmor's to show them (and grandma) a little taste of Halloween. 

We didn't have scary music, but Grandma Oddny was interested in the carving and seed baking procedures. But once we showed her pictures that people posted on Facebook of the decorations and costumes she quickly "ba humbuged" the holiday saying "Uff, Americans" and waving her hand down. hahaha 

Well, Halloween is still getting more and more popular each year. There's significantly more Halloween activity in Oslo than in Bergen. I even saw trick-or-treaters! (None came to our apartment nor the Engebrethsen's house though)

I baked Marius a chocolate cake, and of course it had to be a scary cake!

Marius tried to give Rigmor a little scare

I also was contacted for an interview with a research group called Bioforsk. They work primarily with crops. I've been practicing what I will say in Norwegian...yep, an interview only in Norwegian! The interview is tomorrow (Tuesday) and on Wednesday I'll be catching the 8AM train from Oslo to Bergen. There has been some flooding in western Norway, so I was a bit worried about taking the train, but it is so much cheaper than a plane (250 kr (7 hrs travel time) vs. 600 kr (2 hrs travel time))

I'm going to live with our friend Knut for a few weeks until the apartment I'm renting is available. In Bergen I'll be working as a research technician preparing and cleaning lab space and equipment. I'll also be back in Norwegian classes. 

I'm glad the year finally kicked in for me. It's been great since September...2014 just got off to a rather slow start. We are excited to see what else will happen before the year is over!

Just 5 weeks until Marius and I will be in the mitten for Christmas!

Marius and I ran a couple of laps around Sognsvann on Saturday


  1. A belated Happy 29th to Marius! Congrats on your job, Beaner :) We love you lots!!

  2. Good luck with the interview... Have fun.


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