Act For Arctic

I'm a volunteer for Greenpeace Norway, and we are working on a project that enables the community to be campaigners to help save the Arctic from destructive industrial fishing and deep sea oil drilling. The goal is to create a marine reserve like in Antarctica back in the 90's. This is the first time that Greenpeace has reached out to volunteers and people in the community to help campaign. We are hoping to contact people of influence to sign this International Declaration to Save the Arctic this summer. 

Check out for more information! (Sonny and Hannah - maybe you guys can talk to UoA about signing this?)


  1. I can pretty much guarantee you UoA WILL NOT sign this since it does not benefit them in anyway! :( However, let me spread the news to some people in the dive club and around NZ to get more people to sign it if you are interested.

    1. Sounds great! It's all about the 6 degrees between people to get some big names on the list.


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