Iceland - day 7

A rather delayed post of my last day in Iceland - sorry about that. Well, Marius and I were staying at a hostel that was not optimal for our trip, called Capital Inn, located 30 mins outside of town (by foot). And our room smelled soooo bad because the other two guesrs in our room had drank alcohol the night before so the B.O. was TERRIBLE! So we got up relatively early on Sunday and brought our things to the city to have breakfast where we had eaten dinner a couple night before called Glætan - not the best food, but a good value and atmosphere. 

We knew we wanted to squeeze in the Blue Lagoon before we left and it turned out that the bus only goes from the Lagoon to the airport twice a day: noon and 2pm. But we were still going to do it even though we only got lne hour there. It was a bit hectic but we made it and got relaxed once we entered the water. It was definitely a place we will have to visit again! So a tip for anyone going to Iceland and want to squeeze in the Blue Lagoon: it is worth the money, and I would reccommend spending the afternoon there when you LAND (not just before departure).

...and I tried the Icelandic hotdog. Supposedly this is iconic to Iceland, but I didn't taste anything drastically different from any other hot dog. 


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