[Preliminary survey tracks for the vessels involved]
Tomorrow we get into Tromsø for the end of the survey. I didn't give any updates because, well, it was about the same everyday. So the last 3+ weeks have gone by quite fast and it will feel weird to be back in Bergen Monday night. I have gained many new skills on this survey, and my colleagues hope that the institute will have a place for me because I am also "efficient, positive and hardworking" (not to toot my own horn).
We are currently headed south from Bjørnoya (Bear Island) located approximately 74 degrees N and 16 deg E. We have hauled in tens of tons of Atlantic mackerel (makrell), slightly less than optimal amounts of herring (sild), lumpsucker (rognkjeks), and wild Atlantic salmon (laks). Some of the more interesting fish we brought in included:
- håbrann (Lamna nasus), English: mackerel shark (possibly porbeagle)
- langebarn/snake blenny
- torsk/cod (juveniles less than 10 cm long)
- hyse/haddock
- sei/saithe
- squid (cannot recall the Norwegian name for it)
- steinbit/wolf fish
- breiflab/monkfish
I have also had the privilege of observing several whales, mainly killer whales and humpbacks, but also minke, fin whales and a dolphin species. This morning was very special. After finishing the fish sample at 3AM, we were called up to the wheelhouse because two humpbacks were spotted nearby. We followed the whales for nearly an hour. They never jumped or showed their flukes, but it was very special to see them as close at 100 m from the boat. A really nice way to start the day!
Here are a few pictures from this year's summer mackerel survey aboard M/V "Eros"!
[Fat mackerel! 43 cm and 760 g] |
[We had a thing for rognkjeks...] |
[Polar research center, Tromsø] |
[blue wolf fish] |
[Adding "plankton sampling" to my resume...] |
[...and shark wranglin'] |
[Grill party on the deck] |
[Humpback whale #1 this morning] |
Truly amazing and very Smithsonian/Nat Geo-esque! Great pics and great adventure. Kiss the Eros for taking good care of you!
ReplyDeleteGood stuffs