Same old same.

So just an update that I am alive. Just the same old, daily routine: breakfast, Skype, uni, gym, relax...and work on the weekend. It's scary to think that the semester is already half way done. The year flies by here!

Fall is here and I can feel winter slowly setting in. Soon I will be finished with this semester and then I am off to Thailand to meet up with Marius half way. Will be awesome, and my inner Bio Nerd will come out. I heard about the Red Shirt protests two days after I bought my ticket and finalized my trip. But I think I'll be fine.

So here I sit. In the computer lab on campus. It's 5:43PM and it's getting darker now. I keep finding myself lost in daydreams of home, Thailand, etc.

Hopefully I'll have some more exciting news to report soon.

Thai reggae:
Job 2 Do: Do Do Do


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