Treetop cabin

Sorry, it has been forever since my last post. This year has flown by! I was planning to write a blog about our vacation in Utah this summer, but I am still editing the video - and if I write a post it would be super long! So here's what I have been up to lately. Idar and I bought a house together closer to town. I really miss the view from my old apartment, but we now have an extra bedroom and live just a couple of blocks from Carey (my best friend in Bergen). After a chaotic week of moving, including car trouble, we managed to relax at a treehouse cabin with Idar's family in Telemark. The cabin has no electricity or running water, so we used candles and headlamps and had to fetch water from the river just outside the cabin. There was also a bathtub with a large pot next to it where we lit a bonfire to heat up water for a little bath. Idar and his dad worked on the fire for a few hours before we could finally test it out, and it was pretty relaxing. Although, the rest of ...