Barents Sea Ecosystem Survey

It has been months since I last posted, and it's been pretty busy lately. But I thought I'd recap my last survey for the year - the Barents Sea Ecosystem Survey. I was on this survey last year, but this year was a different set up. We had pelagic and bottom trawls on the same boat. Last year, the pelagic trawls were done on one boat, and bottom trawls on another. The target species for the pelagic trawls is capelin ("lodde" in Norwegian). We started out from Longyearbyen, Svalbard on September 13th and the sky was blue, but the wind was really strong. We boarded R/V Johan Hjort after a few hours in town. Taxes are reduced on Svalbard, so people like to shop for outerwear, tobacco and alcohol. Longyearbyen I had night shift and we worked 6 hours on 6 hours off for three weeks. It was tiresome and hard work. We had fish coming on deck almost constantly and I nearly passed out again, but now I know the symptoms when they come and I lay on the floor until ...