Pancho's puppies

Friday night Pancho and I took a little backpacking trip up the hill from where we live. We only walked about 30 minutes and we set up the tent, made a little bonfire and just relaxed. But when we got all set up, a group of people were blasting Frank Sinatra music from the picnic tables by the lake. Luckily, they were only there for about an hour and then we could hear the birds better. It got a bit cold that night, so I don't think Pancho slept so well. I woke up around 4:30AM with him staring down at me and shivering. I managed to wrap him up in my coat and we slept til around 9AM before heading back down again for breakfast and a lazy day at home. Sunday we were on a hike with my friend Carey when we got the news that his first litter of puppies were on their way! He is a proud pappa to four little girls, all of them black, three with short tails like his and one with a long tail. All the girls are healthy and happy. I felt oddly proud and very excited. We will go visit the...